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Everything posted by KenanJabr
Anything you folks are curious about?
KenanJabr replied to KenanJabr's topic in Elder Scrolls Online Discussion
I've only talked to people with messages. -
Negative Reactions - Any Truth to Them?
KenanJabr replied to Brodo Swaggins's topic in Elder Scrolls Online News
Yeah, believe me, this guy doesn't know the difference between demo and beta. He's probably just butthurt about Friday's server problems. -
Anything you folks are curious about?
KenanJabr replied to KenanJabr's topic in Elder Scrolls Online Discussion
I have no idea what you're talking about. I'm talking about a party, not some game. -
I might know, come this weekend. I got an... invite of sorts. Ya know, just to a party, that's all. Nothing else... *hint* *hint* Let me know via private message, and I'll keep my eyes peeled.
The Last of Us is apparently phenomenal. Wish I had a PS3 to play it.
Min/Max Combos (Very Early Theorycrafting)
KenanJabr replied to Musclemagic's topic in Theorycrafting
Yes, I did lol, and since I'm going to be a healer, when they showed the morphed form of Rushed ceremony, I was like "...wait, wtf?" hahaha. First thing I did after the live stream was go back and look at Rushed Ceremony's morph (which is a must for healers since it's morphable to AOE). As for healing, I will say I'm pretty disappointed with how important they're making AOE heals. I've always said that healers that are AOE focused are always the easier ones, and I try to avoid them in other games (sorry Holy Priest in WOW). Single target healing takes so much more thought. With AOE heals, it's simply "Everyone's taking damage? HEALING PUDDLE!" So mindless lol. I feel like healing's being put on the back burner, atm, so I suppose I'll have to wait for the open beta (or, by some miracle, closed beta) to really judge it for myself, because from what I've learned of Zenimax Online, they're not going to release videos of healing... especially since yesterday, they showed people an archer (a sophisticated dps class) and people were like "WTF THE ANIMATIONS ARE GAY, BRO." Stupid people ruin everything. -
Personally, I love the way the game is going. I'm more of a mechanics kind of person, so I could care less how my guy looks as he's fighting; if there're great abilities, I'm happy. Finding out about these morph abilities just made my day. I did notice some of the melee combat was... odd. During one swipe, the Templar's arm literally flew off for a quarter second, which was weird, but you wouldn't believe how many people have said "Wow, this game sucks; guess I'm playing Skyrim" simply because they're upset about the animations. I understand it's important, but really? Dismissing the entire game because the animations aren't perfect while the game is in closed beta? Come on. Besides, I know the healing animations are going to be kick ass, so I'm not concerned. Sorry, I'm venting lol. Had many debates with ignorant people in many comment threads today.
We were able to watch one of the devs play through the game as a Templar Archer. Here's what you missed: 1. 5 minutes of pointless commentary 2. Character customization (Physical) 3. Talk on exploration 4. Talk on books and lore 5. Morph abilities (This is news to me and is actually very promising) 6. Some sneaky archer open world combat 7. Talk on the "Looking for group" tool and use of the tool itself 8. Look on what happens once your group is formed 9. Brief mention of skyshards 10. 15 minutes of a dungeon with instanced loot. If any of the things above really would've pleased you to see, I'm sure the video will be on YouTube within the next hour, so do not fret.
What will be the player base of each faction?
KenanJabr replied to KenanJabr's topic in Elder Scrolls Online Discussion
Lmao, you are so right about everyone loving Elves, and I'll admit: I did overlook that fact. I can see all the female elves roaming around everywhere already... the struggle continues. Aldmeri Dominion's territory is very interesting to me personally, for the same reasons you've mentioned, but I'm saying that wanting to indulge in a beautiful world will mostly appeal to a more mature crowd, and this maturity will most likely come out of veterans. See, I wanted to make the argument that DC would be the most "hardcore" initially, but there was one thing holding me from saying it: kiddies like humans more than you think. I know, Elves are their true love, like you've said, but hear me out. Nords will most likely be the tanky guys with tanky racial bonuses (I haven't checked those out yet), and children tend to stay away from the whole concept of tanking, though you and I have seen our fair share of miserable tanks, who were in all likelihood kiddos. Therefore, a lot of kids who want to be human will stay away from EP and see that there are two human races in the DC. PLUS, these races both make for excellent DPS, which we all know attracts the most kiddies. This is where I see complications. Like you said though, there's going to be a variety of people of all types of play styles and characteristics in every faction, and only time can tell who the most tolerable faction is. On a side note, I personally think tanking as an Orc would be pretty badass. -
Min/Max Combos (Very Early Theorycrafting)
KenanJabr replied to Musclemagic's topic in Theorycrafting
Dude, very nice job with the post. This basically sums up everything I believe, atm, and I think it's a great resource for people that haven't read too much on the classes yet. Nice job! -
I understand that there's immaturity in every group in MMO's, but there always seems to be base characteristics to each one. For example in WOW, the Alliance seemed to have a much younger crowd who treated their fellow teammates with immaturity, and Horde had a much older, dedicated fanbase, but had more of an elitist mentality. That's not to say that this meant everyone in the Alliance held to this stereotype, but there were many more "facepalm" worthy moments when playing an Alliance character. The factions in ESO will be as followed: 1) The Ebonheart Pact (The Nords, Dunmer, and Argonians) 2) The Daggerfall Covenant (The Orcs, Redguard, and Bretons) 3) The Aldermi Dominion (The Altmer, Bosmer, and Khajiit) With this being said, how do you think the players of these factions will act? Personally, this is how I feel on the matter: 1) The Ebonheart Pact will be the youngest player base and most likely have the most immaturity. I say this because The Nords and Argonians are very popular races. Additionally, players in this faction will be able to level up in Black Marsh, Morrowind, and Skyrim. This will obviously be the "canon" faction, and will definitely be the faction with the most grief, though I will say: there is a large amount of appeal to this faction. 2) The Daggerfall Covenant will be a very down to Earth people. They will be the faction that is, on a whole, very average, but consist of very chill people. The Bretons and Redguard will definitely have appeal to a good number of people, since they're Humanoid, and if someone wanted to play as a tank? Well, I can't think of a race more tanky than the Orcs. Bottom line: What this faction may "lack" in skill will be made up for by their great personalities. 3) The Aldmeri Dominion will be the "hardcore" faction. They'll be the ones to primarily own Cyrodil, have progression raids, and guilds that invest the most out of all the factions of the game. The reason I say this is due to the lack of appeal in the races; it's literally only cats and elves. I mean, there isn't a single humanoid race and the land they own is much less appealing than that of the Daggerfall Covenant and Ebonheart Pact. With all this said, it will be the least appealing faction (though I personally love these races), thus making it have a much older player base, leading me to believe it will have much more invested players. This is only my opinion, so I'd like to know what you guys think! What do you think the player base of each faction will be?
How much are you willing to pay for ESO?
KenanJabr replied to David's topic in Elder Scrolls Online Discussion
Though I would be completely fine with, and maybe even supportive of, a Pay to Play model, my best guess is that it will be Buy to Play since it would be a huge slap in the face and a dent in our wallets with both models in effect. Buying the game for Xbox One would be a death sentence at this point. Using the most cost effective subscription, Xbox players would be poor in one year because they'd have to buy the following: 1) Buy two 6 month subscriptions to ESO ($140?) 2) Buy the game ($60?) 3) Maintain a 12 month xbox live gold subscription ($50). That would be a grand total of $250 for Xbox players and $200 for the rest of us. Buy to play would definitely be much more reasonable, but if it means the game being abused in maintenance and updates, I wouldn't want it. Only time will tell, I suppose. I'm pretty hopeful for this game, though. I'm optimistically thinking they'll make the right decisions. -
Hey, that's alright. I look forward to hearing your two cents. Fair enough. Never really did get to try many other champs out beside Soraka. It would get on my nerves that I had no solid single target attacks also, besides my basic ranged attack. There were many lulls where my lane was full health and mana was not really a troubling matter. At this point, I'd usually try to farm, but lo and behold, the jungler would always be waiting to destroy me haha. Btw, Master Yi is getting nerfed, I hear. Thank God!
Soraka is actually really good on bot, as long as you stack her mana pool and CD reduction to 40% and lane her with an ADC mana user. My friend and I would have a Fiz/Soraka combo a lot of the time, and it worked like a charm; we'd push so hard since he essentially had an infinite mana pool thanks to my mana heal. And if our health got low, I'll just use some of those really short healing cooldowns. And, if I see my other enemies health bars going down in the other lanes, I just pop my ultimate to give them the extra push they need in a confrontation. Gotta love it. I don't think you'd want to play with me. I'm kind of bad lol. Ty for offering, though. Edit: Then again, I only played for a month, so my opinion isn't too valid. Still though, worked for my play style for lowbie matches. Tried Sona and wasn't effective with her.
Cool, my good buddy Chris plays ranked on there. I've played a few games playing Siraka. I always play my first character as a healer in every game (as you Leaguers would say, Support). I do like my fair share of tanking, though. Not too big on DPS (Or ADC haha). And yeah, hardy har har. I knew it was coming sometime...
Lmao, now THIS is funny. Edit: I wish I could reunite you two, but I have no clue. I've never encountered this problem haha.
Norway? That is seriously awesome! My name is actually from Palestinian descent, so I get all giddy seeing diversity. I'm looking forward to getting to know you, Bard.
Hey, hey, I got the second one right! I could've very well been in that Spartan marching band, being rivals and what not. Small world, ain't it? Thanks to you and Nathan for making me feel welcomed.
I'm gonna take a guess at Michigan State. That's a great music program right there, which I was actually considering going into. Good stuff. I found out about this site when I was trying to find a list of abilities for classes in ESO. I was extremely pleased to find that not only are there full lists of abilities, but reliable news updates on the game over here. It was a no brainer for me to join, and I'm recommending it to my Elder Scrolls buddies.
What's going on, people?! My name is Kenan (hence my SN haha). I'm a college student from New Orleans, but to your surprise, I'm not a very big "party animal." For this reason, I replace party time for video game time. I've been fascinated with video games since I was a child playing Mega Man X, and have only recently caught on to MMO's. In fact, SWTOR was my first MMO. I stopped playing very recently to try out WOW (I know, I'm a little late), which is the game I've been investing most of my time in, as of late. Anyway, before my random discoveries of MMO's, I was a huge fan of single player RPGs, one of which happens to be the Elder Scrolls games. When I heard that such a marvelous series was going to have a convergent MMORPG, I flipped. I immediately went to the trash bin of knowledge we all know and sometimes love: the Internet. For about 5 hours, I searched, and searched, and searched, hoping to find some kind of information on this game that seemed too good to be true, but beyond finding fake trailers and corny slideshows with bad music, I found nothing, and I gave up my search for about a year. I finally remembered that I need to check the progress on this game yesterday, after a year of it completely slipping my mind (I have no idea how), and was pleased with what I found. However, I really wanted to find a community for it. Not only did I find a great community for it, but I also found a great resource! In case you're tired or getting tired of reading, I'm talking about this site: Elder Souls. I don't know how long you guys have been around, but all I can say is WOW (not the MMO, the word); this is pretty amazing. Great job to everyone associated with this. Just wanted to express my gratitude, and I assure you: I am spreading the word on this site like wind on a wildfire. This site will forever be my Elder Scrolls resource, and I just hope I can contribute something worthwhile in return for the brilliant batch that you guys are. Now that you've heard my spiel (I'm really sorry for that), I'd like to learn more about you guys. You don't have to, I mean, the fact that you've read all the way through this post is pretty awesome, but I'd just like to get to know some of the community. You already seem like great people from what I've read on other threads, and I'd love to get to know you guys better. Thanks for reading! -Kenan