To people saying 15$ isn't much that's just full of crap, that's a huge amount to pay every month for (1) game and then take the dev's words for it that what they give us at the end of the month will be enough for our 15$ value. This of course not counting you are paying 60$ for 1 month trial.... Which is just fucking crazy. Now is just 15$ a ton of money? For some maybe, for most probably not, but is 15$ over time add up to a lot of money? YES absolutely it does, you will spend 240 dollars in 1 year just for 1 game... and then 180 for every year that you continue to play and to do all this with a ton of other MMORPg's out there that offer very similar stuff in terms of content. Everyone who is not retarded/has downz knows that they are only doing this to pay their dev costs and that in about 8-12 months this game will be F2P or have a reduced membership cost at least by half. They already told us they will have a cash shop, and this cash shop will only get bigger and more expensive as time goes on to cover themselves for when they drop the P2P and go F2P, the signs are there, the knowledge from previous games is there, some folks have gotten the clue, others continue to argue and ignore the simple yet enormous facts in front of them.