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Everything posted by Benja11

  1. What no back ups at vk.com? The site that was listed before the edit has back ups but pretty sure admin doesn't want to be associated with my site. Just google elder scrolls online exploits. Mines the top site. There's a beta leak section.Some members have offered to share their personal beta video links.
  2. They are all over the place but they are consolidated at (edit) http://vk.com/esnet in the beta leaks section.
  3. As crappy as those beta vids are those account for a good percentage of my site's traffic. The beta vids are what people base their opinions on. ZOS should start putting out some quality before people start turning towards crap like eq next.
  4. Free 2 play would suck.. I've tried some good f2p games and everything would be great exept being advertised to at every screen.. buy this buy that.. they make you stress over shit like bag slots and you have to buy that stuff. Worst model ever.. rift, neverwinter and terra all feel like browser games with the f2p model.
  5. They're all streaming at http://www.tesochampion.com but be warned It's a cheat site.
  6. It never really does, It's always crappy quality and the player is usually running around doing nothing.
  7. I'm happy to see this as I am always rolling Mage style first.
  8. Hey ghost, the old ones are still at tesochampion and dailymotion. I will do anything to see the new one though!
  9. I really wanted to see it too.. Anybody have private download or anything?
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