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Everything posted by Mithos

  1. Mithos


    I don't understand how this works, but i'm gonna beat everybody else.
  2. I really like how the edgeville update has slowed down the bots aswell, the new grand exchange has cut out almost all the lag problems I used to have.Pretty solid update, looking foward to the next few weeks though.
  3. Who said anything about botting? But I agree fishing is a good skill to get started on early, as well as woodcutting.
  4. Before: After: Also Slayer: Up Next, Hunting.
  5. 138 combat, all quests done, 2400+ total levels.Mastery in: Attack, Strength, Defence, Hitpoints, Magic, Ranged, Prayer, Theft, Craft, Fletching, Cook, Firemaking, Woodcutting, Farming, and Dungeoneering. Also soon to be Summoning and Slayer (in a few days.)Also I need the one for council rank.
  6. Mithos

    Award Sytem

    Thanks David i'll go see which ones I can activate
  7. Hello everybody my name is Mithos or Joe (irl). I was in the clan that was the precursor to TRR back in the day and joined TRR at one point a long time ago aswell.A little about myself. I enjoy the occasional round of Pac Man at my local arcade and spend most of my time grubbing quarters off of my mother so I can spend a few hours down there. My favorite would have to be Mrs Pacman due to her magnificent female form. I also play Call of Duty sometimes but I'm not very good so I just run around trying to get a spy plane kill streak. I have been playing Runescape for many many years and it has contributed to my lack of social activity as well as general unwellbeing however I have put it in check this year and turned my life around in a positive way. I throw shot put in school on the track team and lift regularly and don't mind an envigorating jog every now and then. I like all types of music from emo rock to stoner rock to "gangster" rap and many types of techno. I am well learned in many areas academically sporting an impressive 3.6 GPA which I maintain with much disdain to the class of "Spanish". As I don't know who the hell needs to learn spanish anyways just speak American please. I like to watch youtube videos my favorite people are the machinma respawn crew (SEANANNERS), Jon Lajoie, Kassemg, Phillip Defranco, OnlyuseMEblade, Seannaners again, and a few others which I can't remember at the moment. EPIC MEAL TIME. My favorite food is chick fil a and I could probably eat a spicy chicken sandwhich with medium fries and water every meal for the rest of my life. I also enjoy indulging myself in a wildberry poptart whenever I can find them, which is usually at the ghetto walmart near my river house. I am a 16 year old living in Virginia in the UNITED states of Ameirca and I can not tell you how much this state sucks. I would like to rate myself around a 7/10 on physical attractiveness although I am not as they say "getting the bitches" on a daily basis. I hope this has shed some light into your dreary worlds as members of the TRR community and clan and can help provide a better understanding of me as a person and an internet diety.Also I have 2414 total levels on RuneScape and I play it a bunch.I'm just a regular everday normal mothafucka. - Jon Lajoie.
  8. [*]RuneScape Name: xl Mithos lx (that is X L L X) [*]Forum Name: Mithos [*]Combat Level: 138/126 [*]Total Level: 2413 [*]Your Timezone: EST [*]How You Found Us: Daivd won't leave me alone. [*]Previous Clans: The Mercenaries (High Council), The Resistance (High Council), The Runescape Rebels (LOL), Akeldama (Uhh Advisor?), Nemesis Warriors (inactive unit), Envy (Elite Member?). [*]First Impressions: I'm a member of the skilling team Skilling Vent Crew and will always ALWAYS remain loyal to them. SO David you can not expect me to 100% follow your rules and I may be inactive as hell sometimes. But you'll like it anyways.
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