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Everything posted by Nalim

  1. Yeah, it may well be possible that the lines are blurred - for example, we could see two races which are a good fit for tanks in DC.
  2. The argonian thing is true for sure: Just look at the leaked racials. I was surprised by the redguard/orc-placement, too.
  3. Since Dunmer get an exp boost do dual wield, my bets are on sword+board exp boost for khajit.
  4. At character creation (which is publicly available thanks to some...uhm...modders) the race choice menu is aligned the following way: DC; AD; EB Breton; High Elf; Argonian Orc; Wood Elf; Dark Elf Reguard; Khajit, Nord This seems to resemble the race archetypes: magic/mana; stealth/endurance; tank/health
  5. I HATE the khajit heavy armor designs. I hope for the option to hide my helmet...
  6. Sadly, it seems like AD might have a serious lack of tanks AND healers: According to a survey by TamrielFoundy, less than 10% of AD players want to play Dragon Knight and less than 20% Templar. This is why I'll roll a Khajit Dragon Knight - easy grouping . http://tamrielfoundry.com/2013/05/eso-by-the-numbers-part-2/
  7. By currently you mean out of the three races of the Ebonheart Pact? Or did more information about racials leak and I didn't know it?
  8. That's well known. I just expected them to be a medium-armored, melee dps type and the orcs to be the heavy armor, tanky type (mostly because orc armor is heavy). Seems I was wrong or the factions are a little bit imbalanced.
  9. I can confirm the following: This shit works. Atm it's just char creation, though. Something interesting I noticed: Redguard is at the same horizontal line as Khajit and Nord. It may be possible that Reguards (not Orcs) are the 'tanky' race of Daggerfall Covenant.
  10. I won't provide any links (even too hot for me ^^), but you could try googling "owned core eso client" .
  11. I'm currently downloading this (THANKS, irons). However, as far as I know you can only access character creation.
  12. I guess you're right. Thank god nightblade has re-stealth then .
  13. No problem, thanks for taking the time and answering . Thank you irons - actually, the sneak-attack-from-the-front-thing as something I wanted to know specifically for ranged attacks; staying hidden should be easier then (in the leaks I saw, the players were mostly detected when quite near their opponent).
  14. @Blake: Do you recall whether sneak attacks were only possible from the back or from all directions? To be clear, can I sneak attack somebody right in his face with my mighty bow?
  15. Could you do me a favor and try whether or not it's possible to do a sneak attack with a restoration staff? I certainly would like to know that .
  16. Wow, nice, thank you! Do you have links to more (older) patch notes? Perhaps even in English? Google translate doesn't work too well with the Czech language, it seems .
  17. What I considered quite interesting is the new world skill line "Soul Magic". Apparently, Soul Trap is part of it. This might mean the Mage's Guild skill line got changed (no sense in including soul trap there if every player gets it earlier by this skill line).
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