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Karma K

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Karma K

    TDS Declares

    alright. good luck guys.
  2. Karma K

    TDS Declares

    i got an idea...how about we have 2 rounds. one matched and one full out
  3. Karma K

    TDS Declares

    id say sunday but i want an earlier time. but next tuesday works fine?
  4. Karma K

    TDS Declares

    new date, what about Friday at 4pm est.
  5. Karma K

    TDS Declares

    thats kinda late.. how about 4pm est
  6. Karma K

    TDS Declares

    ill agree with full out and map change but not sniper/ranger cap change.
  7. Karma K

    TDS Declares

    Clan Leaders/Warlords:Karma K, Inyankitty, Ssj4vagito, Dratz of TDS, Clan Name:The Dark Syndicates Clan Website: http://s4.zetaboards.com/TheDarkSyndicates/index/ Clan Memberlist: http://www.runehead.com/clans/ml.php?clan=thedarksynd Your normal pull in a war:8-15 Type of war: Fun Arena:Turrets Time and date: Sunday July 31st War world:75 Rules: Sniper Cap 2 Ranger Cap 3 Matched opts -/+2 Corrupt OFF Dung ON Rings ON North Attacks No Friends, No Allies Melee + Binds + Range
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