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Everything posted by Slayer

  1. lets hope so! or it will be a long way to get some dragon chainbody
  2. i asked crue, she said to post on forums and see what evryone thinks. anyway, it might be better to make a kq hunt on a different boss night, depending on who can make it. i would like to have as many people there as possible (we would have a much better chance that way) so lemmy know what you guys think!
  3. hey guys, okja915 here, i wanted to see if anyone was interested in having a clan kalphite queen hunt, so let me know what you guys think, and when would be best for you to to have the event. smiley face!
  4. Intro: Hey guys, after the new clan system came up ive been looking for a good active clan to join, and this one looks perfect!Runescape username: Okja915Forum name: SlayerCombat level: 84Total level: 1220Time zone: CentralHow i found this clan: advertisement on runehqPrevious clans: Chaos faction, Ex furyFirst impression: VERY professional, involved and relaxed, good gaming environment, and great site .Other: P2P (not that it really matters)
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