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Everything posted by Ozzeh

  1. Best Villain? Why, Discord, of course.
  2. Ohai. For those of you who don't know me, my name is Ozzeh and I've been with, around, and against TRR for a long time now. How long, do you ask? I joined TRR before MstrMonopoly and Fergal, and almost every member that's still active. Anyways, a little bit about me. I'm 17 years old and live in Minnesota, USA. As for sports, I play golf in state tournaments and for my high school team, and I'm an avid football fan (Go Vikings!) As for my non-public life, I used to play RS a lot (Derp), but I'm semi-retired now, mostly just here for the community forums. (Don't worry, I'll go to events and wars!) Also, for those who recignized the title, yes, I am a brony. and yes, I don't really give a fuck what you think. As for gaming, I own a ps3 and play CoD and Battlefield 3, among other games. My PSN is Famathian, in case anyone cared. If there's any other questions, feel free to ask!
  3. What is your primary RuneScape account's name?Fletchgasm, I think.Your account's combat and total/overall level?Combat: 104 (?)Total: 1500+ (Forgot)Have you ever been in a clan before? If so, which one(s)?TRR (Council)LoL (Leader)Epitaph (Council)Where did you hear about TRR?Fergal? Idk.What were your first impressions of us?Sounds legit.Why do you wish to join our clan?Because I'm back?
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