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Everything posted by Bezzle

  1. I would if I was a beta tester Here's a link to a downloadable version; http://yadi.sk/d/oBajmI8v76gue
  2. Get it while it's hot!!! www.youtube.com/watch?v=HWocLJiiMq4
  3. Here you go guys http://ulozto.cz/xFPPoXW4/old-papyri-ep-gameplay.mp4
  4. Here's a new link with the video: http://www.frequency.com/video/elder-scrolls-online-e3-2013-new/102000918/-/5-4738199
  5. Yeah, Bethesda took it down. Unless someone bothered to download the video and then post it else where, I think everyone's out of luck. That link was straight to the original source.
  6. Hopefully some more beta leaks will spring forth here shortly. Until then I found this video which has some guy running around daggerfall in the background. http://gotgame.com/2013/06/15/e3-2013-the-elder-scrolls-online/
  7. Are there any more beta video leaks out there, other than the ones posted on this site? I'm counting two Fraps videos taken from actual testers and then the three cam videos from PAX.
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