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  1. Oh and don't forget patches with extra content and future expansion packs that will most defiantly happen if the fan base is big enough and they $$ they make is just too good to let die. I could see this picking up a lot of current and old wow fans as well as a whole new fan base from TES single player series junkies...I happen to fit both category and feel like ESO is going to be the next best thing since the founding of tobacco
  2. Each faction will have its own quest line so you have 3 different major questline a to choose from each resulting in over 120hours of gameplay. Not to mention the guilds and their questlines as well as the miscellaneous quests you can pick up all over the Tamriel. If you want to have the full experience you'll have to play a character from each faction. The quests alone can make the game more than worth while. Then you have PvP and not to shortly after release raids/dungeons...don't quote me on that but what's an MMO without them?
  3. Either the video was removed or my page isn't loading correctly...idk
  4. A few things....1-It's a single player franchise moving to a different crowd for MMO players. There are going to be so many changes that HAVE to be made to even the most basic aspects of the game just so that it will function as intended. That being said, don't hate on a game you haven't had a chance to play. Regardless of what you see in a 20minute video. If your on this site then we all know you are going to buy it anyway. After you play it for 20hours for yourself then criticize all you want.2-if you look at all of the MMOs and TES games currently out you can see that there are MODs or "add-ons" you can d/l from a third party. This could include texture packs, different UI modules, and color packages. *if you don't like it the way they designed it then someone will provide you with what you want.3-It's not going to be running the same engine as skyrim simply because the server and 90% of the players wouldn't be able to play at 60+FPS even at the lowest settings. Expect it to be closer to oblivion. The main things I'm worried about isn't the graphics. Many of us here have played WOW too and those graphics are terrible in contrast to ESO.4-the main things that I'm concerned about is the changes to leveling and how it will affect the elder scrolls feel to it. I am used to leveling up based on the way you play. Also the PvP scares me. I'm worried about balancing between factions/races/classes. Also, not having the "holy trinity" aka tank, dps, heals, also has me worried. Eventually they will add raids into the game and not having an aggro system in place means chaos in every boss battle. Which could make it more fun, who knows yet.All I can say is I will be buying this game later this year...& regardless of the changes. It's an MMO and its Elder Scrolls. We have been asking for this for years now. I'm glad it's finally here regardless of the end results. At least they heard our pleas.***PS this wont be the search of Elder Scrolls, they make too much $$ off the single player games like morrowind, oblivion, and skyrim thanks to console versions.
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