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Drexill last won the day on July 10 2013

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  1. Considering GW2 is fairly crap, I doubt they'll shoot for that. Why does everyone always say "I enjoyed GW2! I only played it for 2 weeks, but it was fun!", and then not draw lines...
  2. My bet, and my hope, is a $50 base cost with a free month included, and $15/month on top of that after your first month. I've yet to see an MMO that was Free-to-Play, or Buy-to-Play not suck tremendously, and I am a firm believer in "you get what you pay for". I want this game to last for years for me, like DAoC and WoW did... and those games, I paid for and do not regret a cent.
  3. The leaked footage really doesn't do the game justice.
  4. I noticed that too, this leak again showed nothing of value. The player didn't seem very skilled, or overly interested in showing off features or anything... it's like sitting my mom in front of a game and recording the first 15 minutes of her haphazardly tumbling around the map.
  5. Being able to fly severely cripples the art of a well-made zone. It's why Blizzard continually disables flying until you've walked through the zones and leveled up first. The feeling in Skyrim lets say, of popping through the forgotten vale and having to go down the road overlooking all the beautiful scenery... Try hitting the console command TCL and flying over it... tell me it has the same effect. There's no good reason. A game can be 3 dimensional without giving the absolute freedom to bypass everything... it's like a cheat code for an MMO. You are entitled to your opinion though.
  6. Ugh, flying mounts would ruin this game just like they ruined others that have them. The dev's know this, and there will be no flying mounts.
  7. I generally don't like this system. I'll reserve judgement until it plays out... but I'm skeptic of it as of now. Generally in most MMO's I've played, time invested often = top player. There are exceptions to this, such as arenas and matchmaking systems... but in this case, it's more like DAoC or classic WoW, where just because you were RR10 or Grand Marshal, did NOT mean you were deserving of such a title lol... it was simply time invested. That could be some jealousy talking, since I didn't have enough time to invest... but I don't know. We'll see.
  8. If they stick to the DAoC formula (like I think they will) you'll be able to fast travel to keeps in Cyrodiil as long as they are not under attack. It was one of the perks to owning the keep and it didn't detract from the game at all, quite contrary... it was necessity.
  9. It's an MMORPG (O for Online), and it has Online in the name as David pointed out. I mean no offense, but I really don't know what you were expecting... If you hate Online games... I'd still recommend trying it, since that's well....stupid... and there's plenty of solo content to immerse yourself into if you want more Elder Scrolls.
  10. Probably my favorite IP ever. I think the show is stunning, and it syncs up to the books nicely. I did read first though, and the show does the books great justice... which is rare.
  11. Still looks good. I don't understand the haters... I guess I keep my expectations realistic. The one gripe I have though, is definitely the target glow... I hope you can toggle that off. That's the biggest single immersion breaker I saw.
  12. This weekend is the next beta event for the newest round of invites, so maybe we'll get lucky and see something towards the end of the weekend or early next week? Let's hope.
  13. I am a little bit worried about the game being "old" before it's new. 11 more months is a long time considering so many new MMO's on the horizon.
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