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Fergal last won the day on May 23 2014

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About Fergal

  • Birthday 03/29/1998

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    Gaming - PS3 (Call of Duty, Battlefield 3, Skyrim etc)
    Computers - Moar Gaming, Software/Game Development, Web Development, Interwebz
    Sports - TaeKwonDo, Boxing, Gaelic Football (Irish).
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Community Answers

  1. Yeah, I guess. Next TES game should bring more activity here anyway, considering the failure of ESO post-launch.
  2. What is the plans for Easter Souls? Anything new and interesting?
  3. Copy and paste doesn't create a shortcut, it creates a copy - that is, it should still be there if you pasted it before the original was deleted. Cut and paste just allows pasting after the file has been cut. It's not a terribly difficult job to install, but you'd want to watch a video on how to because you need to hook up a power cable to it too. But there are plenty of videos showing that on YouTube anyway.
  4. No worries, just wanted to put it out there! There really is nothing wrong with throwing the Steamapps folder in your documents when re-installing Steam, because it shouldn't remove the directory if it's not in the correct place. (Or am I wrong? Did it?) With regard to the GPU, a NVIDIA GTX 650 or higher is required, so if unsure, I'd double check if it supports Shadowplay - so that will cost you something like at least $100 I guess at the bare minimum new. Not terribly difficult to install (assuming your motherboard is new enough to support PCI-express slots - not (just) PCI), but it would be inside the tower. Good luck with both of your slots.
  5. You really have to have patience with these things - This is a community forum, not customer service. I'm sure of those thirteen post viewers, had they known how to solve the issue, help would have been extended, but this doesn't appear to be a common issue - I sure has hell don't know how to fix it (also haven't seen it until now). Anyway. If you want to keep your games when re-installing Steam, back-up your Steamapps folder (or delete everything besides it, I guess). That folder is usually found at C:\Program Files\Steam\Steamapps (or Program Files (x86)). Just for future reference really; I'm not sure if it would still have solved your problem if you hadn't re-installed Skyrim in the process.
  6. Yeah, aha, I'm sure my inactivity is to blame! Nonetheless, nice to meet you. =D
  7. Need to brush up on your Java skills, David.
  8. It also might be worth considering downloading a password manager (such as LastPass), even if you fix your password saving problem - security is always nice, and you can just log into your account on any device to access your passwords, if that appeals to you.
  9. Didn't expect all the comments to also share what I thought... Edit: Oh and now apparently The LAD Bible too...
  10. Never really had a problem with it. I like the dark theme and don't as such don't really take note of the smaller details.
  11. If you really want mechanical, and silent - Then just find a keyboard available in Cherry MX Browns or something for the keyswitch. Stay away from blues. You can look up the different keyswitches, but I'd just get brown and then unless you can master not "bottoming" out your key press, you can stick O-rings underneath the keys, but they can expensive enough I believe. If you want to fit within budget, I'd recommend something from Cooler Master or Corsair - the keyboard only companies are rather expensive. £100-150 is should be fine. Its the mechanical keyboard that will drive that up. Mice aren't overly expensive for the most part. For palm grip, I think the obvious choice is the Razer Deathadder (the only thing Razer have done right), or, if you'd like a Logitech gaming mouse, because the Deathadder seems to be stuck at a high price at least on Amazon. For your monitor, you will probably want a 24", seems to be the sweet spot, 1080p, probably TN panel (which is almost all of them). That would be reasonably cheap. If you have cash to spend you can always look into 1440p with IPS (27") or a gaming monitor with say 120HZ refresh rate (although I deem that a poor choice unless you are a professional gamer). If you go with the 24", I'd personally just find the cheapest one from a reliable brand name that seems to have a decent reviews.
  12. Need a budget for them. Keyboard can really be any ol' cheap thing, unless you want mechanical, lol. Mouse depends on the person, but if you determine your mouse grip (claw, palm, fingertip) and a budget I can give you a few recommendations.
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