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Master Vamp

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Idk y my iPhone keeps doing that>.> but can't I just smith iron daggers and enchant them to raise smithing and enchantment?
  2. That's true but u gotta raise cunjuration which is tedious as is training almost any magic school:/ I've done it but it's time consuming
  3. That's good:0 lol just conjuring defeats the priestly role-playing dealio. And I usually forget to conjure things:/ can't wait till I get glass maces-.-
  4. So I started this build with my argonian(goin well) and I was thinking to my self "hey how can I take this to te next level." then I was like WOAH so this is what came to mind. Imperial/Breton/Altmer. 1h (mace) restoration in other. Have a mages hood on head and wear light or heavy armor. Get a tank for a partner (Uthgerd the Unbroken is great early on and has godly strength+ I think her health regens faster.) anyways... Enchant your armor for restoration and 1h bonuses<-- just an IdeA. Your constant ability to heal yourself(and others) keeps you and your team alive and maces (tho slow) can ignore armor and typically knock back more often and for longer(I think) Alternative: have a conjurer as a partner and have atronachs fight 4 u. Alternative 2: Add illusion buffs an be purely support. Just tossin around ideas let me know what you think!
  5. Alright I literally just made an Argonian. And I'm not making him a vampire:P do idk what to do. Werewolf is out of the question. I'm think dual wield daggers/ 1H sword. Increasing perks in 1h (duh) but idk what else I should use... So a little help would be nice:) thanks:D
  6. They do:) the boost in destruction magic helps elves. red guards make good battle mages. Dark elves make better spells swords. (battle Mage: 1h sword. Destruction in other. Spell sword: Bound 1h sword. Destruction in other. Both [imho] can use atronachs/ undead)
  7. I am currently playing a dark elf vampire, that uses magic and a sword wearing robes. I have a heavy armor one and 2 handed werewolf as well and I have been pretty successful in both:)
  8. We all love to go on our quests to save skyrim and all but what do you guys do when your not kill bandits, or stealing something?
  9. I've ha alot of success with: a bow, Daggers, one handed wep(s) and a two handed for really early levels.
  10. Yeah the blades kinda lost their sheen the blades sword is pretty good tho that's bout it tho :/
  11. I'm a werewolf in one of my games. It's okay beacause I can do more damage for my lower level but I lose my weapon and armor and makes it kinda impractical cuz eventually beast form becomes obsolete to better weapons, and range- sneak attacks:/ vampirism makes magic and archery sneak attacks easy. The dark elf destruction boost Also helps:)
  12. Ya know it's actually can be. Especially if it's raining and you can't see much to begin with, and say a blood dragon attacks you it makes it easy to see them when their flying. And it makes night travel a tad bit easier
  13. Okay! We have all seen forums and things of the sorts that are discussing the pros and cons of both of them. And I would love to hear some more! Please don't hate. Pick 1 or both and explain the pros and cons. Vampires~ Pros: -sneak bonus-frost res- Decent destruction spell (damages enemy and heals you) and gets better with your vampire level-Really cool skills like: night vision, raise dead, calming people and turning invisible for 2 or 3 minutes, combine with the shadow stone and increase that Cons~-Fire weakness (raises with vampire level) can be offset with enchantments and being a dark elf-Reduced health stamina and magic in the sunlight. No restoration any of those. Can be offset by enchantments potions and things of the sort.-becoming a level 4 vampire causes anyone (with the exception of the DB [Dark brotherhood]) to become hostile and attack. Fun Vampire Facts:)~-People will make humorous comments about you looking sick, or being afraid of the sun:P -You get really awesome red eyes-I think your skin gets paler?-You get to be stealthy:D -feeding is kinda fun. Lol-For some dumb reason vampires still attack you *^* meaning u can't join their little colony:/Anyway! Can't wait to see what you guys(and girls:3) have to say!
  14. Ya know if u just feed (Sneak into a house and feed on a sleeping person) being a vampire is really cool and fun:D
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