Okay! We have all seen forums and things of the sorts that are discussing the pros and cons of both of them. And I would love to hear some more! Please don't hate. Pick 1 or both and explain the pros and cons. Vampires~ Pros: -sneak bonus-frost res- Decent destruction spell (damages enemy and heals you) and gets better with your vampire level-Really cool skills like: night vision, raise dead, calming people and turning invisible for 2 or 3 minutes, combine with the shadow stone and increase that Cons~-Fire weakness (raises with vampire level) can be offset with enchantments and being a dark elf-Reduced health stamina and magic in the sunlight. No restoration any of those. Can be offset by enchantments potions and things of the sort.-becoming a level 4 vampire causes anyone (with the exception of the DB [Dark brotherhood]) to become hostile and attack. Fun Vampire Facts:)~-People will make humorous comments about you looking sick, or being afraid of the sun:P -You get really awesome red eyes-I think your skin gets paler?-You get to be stealthy:D -feeding is kinda fun. Lol-For some dumb reason vampires still attack you *^* meaning u can't join their little colony:/Anyway! Can't wait to see what you guys(and girls:3) have to say!