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About dan

  • Birthday 05/10/1972

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    Dublin, Texas
  • Interests
    SKYRIM!!!!!!!!!! originally a huge D&D player, this is as close to my imagined world as humanly possible. LOVE IT!
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Newbie (1/14)



  1. a just reward for that rat.... well, I don't know if he is a rat, but he sure strikes me as one...
  2. Thats great, I just figured out You can pull up a map of the town Your in while in world map... good grief...
  3. Awww that sucks, it was my favorite, but I went ahead and disenchanted it, put it on dwarf mace and now back in action. I appreciate Your quick help!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for Your guides too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. So I have been running around Dawnstar hacking and killing vicious goats, trying to fill petty soul gems (and they keep resisting soul trap, don't they know they exist soley to be our food and fill petty soul gems?) and trying to find the mining camp...well, no luck... killed the giant and his pet mammoth (ummm that wasn't fun) and ran all up and down the road, scaled the mountains, what am I doing wrong? Thanks for any help!
  5. an ax with soul trap on it, Thank you for Your reply!
  6. Okay, I have tried everything, pressed R2 (ps3) while looking at weapon in inventory... went to dragonreach and tried it there, couldn't make it work... How do I recharge a weapon? I have plenty of filled soul gems... Thanks for any help!
  7. The ice troll at the greybeards messed me up. The first time I tried, the darn thing killed me and threw my body up into the air, it was pretty dramatic. The second time I tried, I used a scroll that had fire explosion...it ended up killing the troll but also took out my follower, who I was using as a pack horse (she did look kind of like a horse in the face, so I felt alright about it) and lost a lot of carrying weight, so I reloaded and the third time was the charm, using fire spell and drinking a lot of potions. I favorited health, magicka, and stamina potions and live off of them.
  8. sadly, I have had to lower difficulty verses the dragons, who seem to show up every ten minutes or so. They attack me in towns, in the different forts, etc. I just completed the 7000 steps quest, so I don't know why I ticked off the dragons... maybe because I am taking too much time? Anyways, I have a follower, Jeanneane (sp?) and I let her distract the dragon while I use whirlwind sprint to get behind it and start whacking away with my ax.. only works on novice level though... I know, sad :-(
  9. David

    Hey man, welcome to ES! Let me know if you ever have any suggestions. :)

    1. dan


      Thank You! Loving the site already, You did an excellent job! Looking forward to a great time!

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