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  1. Thanks, I'm not great at the magic yet so I may just have to lower the difficulty, hate to do it but may be my only option. Appreciate your reply!
  2. OK! So I will admit I'm a newb and don't understand every aspect of the game but I'm really hoping someone can help me with this. I am stuck in my last save where a Frost Dragon is showing up and is continually eating my lunch! If I get too close he is basically eating me right off the ground no matter what health I have left, I have tried my flame shout and it works a bit but not enough to get him outta my face. Anyone know what hurts frost dragons the most and is there an easy way to kill this douche. I can't go back ontill I figure it out or my PS3 may hit the wall really hard! Any help is appreciatted. Cheers, Bubbs
  3. Hey man, welcome to the site! Let me know if you ever need anything or have suggestions.

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