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Everything posted by smellypitts

  1. Hello all! I know I am not the most active member with one of those reasons being me not enjoy RS as much as I did in the past. In my whole time being with the clan I always wanted to connect with the clan with more than just RS. This may not be the best place to post this but I believe it wil get the attention of the whole clan, not just a fraction that uses the rest of these forums. I am proposing for us to start having events outside RS, and if it is popular enough opening a sort of wing of the clan to other consoles, and games. For example: we could start playing steam games, xbox, or PS3 to bond more as a clan. Hopefully everyone with take this suggestion into consideration, and hopefully work to put into place. Thank you all for reading this and please leave suggestions, compromises, comments, and questions.
  2. So Im still open to play with anyone! I would be happy to make a TRR clan for BF3 if everybody wants it
  3. Sweet! and hey Snuggles im still open! So hit me up on xbox! Smellypitts!
  4. dang unknown! nice 56 but i would love to play sometime! I'm pretty good overall but I play for objective. http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/soldier/smellypitts/stats/227151442/xbox/Hit me up as Smellypitts on Xbox!
  5. I usely fly solo but i have a few friends that I play with. Im colonel service star 2 so dont worry about being bad. im pretty well rounded, sevice star in every class, and service star for jets. working on the service stars for land and heli's. And im premium.
  6. Hello all! I play a ton of BF3 but mostly by myself. I have posted this here to hopefully get some people to play with me, and to connect to some clan mates! My gamertag is Smellypitts, my battlelog is cool1000456, and look forward to meeting some new people!
  7. What is your primary RuneScape account's name? Cool1000456 Your RuneScape account's... Total Level:973 F2P/P2P: F2P, but am think about P2P Combat: 72 Have you ever been in a clan before? If so, which one(s)? I am an old member of TRR Where did you hear about TRR? Originaly it was from the Runescape Forums. What were your first impressions of us? I was originaly skeptical because of most other clans out there are for P2P and combat lvls 100 and up but when I came to TRR I was happyly suprised by how friendly, and helpfull can members are. Why do you wish to join our clan? To rekindle old memorys, to push me to play more Runescape, and to help TRR whatever way I can.
  8. <p>yea when I was part of the clan before I wasnt a big player but I did my part.</p><p>Â </p>
  9. Hello TRR, I know I am under another name and even if people remebered me as cool1000456, those people would be few and far between. I once was a loyal follower of TRR at one point because it was my first full clan. That sadly didnt last long because my interest shifted with my age, and my love for TRR and Runescape faded. I am almost 3 years older now, and when I went back to RS I was wondering around looking at how things changed, and I found the new clan area. Being there brought back fond thoughts of the TRR. Now that I am posting this I am getting back into RS, and am looking back into TRR. I was wondering if I was still on the roster if I could rembraced by the clan. Now i suspect that my name was wiped from the roster long ago but in that case I will gladly re-submit to the clan, and help out when and where ever I can. See the clan again has been great and it feels good to be posting this.
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