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Joining Instructions


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If you have any remaining questions or problems after reading this guide, feel free to request assistance in the Guest Forum.


1. Make sure you understand our clan and requirements by checking out our About TRR page.

    [*]Maintain activity and periodically check up on our forums.

    [*]When on RuneScape, please use our clan chat.

    [*]Show respect to all members and staff.

    [*]Have fun!

2. If you can meet our requirements, Register Here.

Your forum account will be auto-accepted as an Elder Souls Member after you validate your email (step 3).

3. Check your Email account for the validation email.

Title: Elder Souls | Subject: Registration at Elder Souls

    [*]If you do not receive the email...

    [*]During peak hours the email may take up to 30 minutes to be sent.

    [*]Sometimes Registration Emails are filtered into the "Spam" or "Junk" folders.

    [*]If you do not ever receive the email, you may have to Resend it.

    [*]If all else fails, skip this step and post a topic in the Guest Discussion forum explaining the situation.

4. Sign In to your forum account.

5. Create a new topic in the Clan Applications forum with a filled out application (copy and paste the form below).

You must have at least completed Step 4 in-order to post an application.

> Create New Topic <

Clan Application Form

What is your primary RuneScape account's name?

Your account's combat and total/overall level?



Have you ever been in a clan before? If so, which one(s)?

Where did you hear about TRR?

What were your first impressions of us?

Why do you wish to join our clan?

Application Example

What is your primary RuneScape account's name?


Your account's combat and total/overall level?

Combat: 138

Total: 2071

Have you ever been in a clan before? If so, which one(s)?

Yeah, I was the Clan Leader of TM (The Mercenaries) from 2006 to 2008.

Where did you hear about TRR?

I saw your advertisement on RuneHQ.

What were your first impressions of us?

I thoroughly enjoyed your youtube video, and related with your message. After I saw the site, I knew you guys must take pride in what you do.

Why do you wish to join our clan?

I wanted to join a group I could have fun and relax with while playing RuneScape. TRR seemed to fit the bill!

6. Enjoy being a member of TRR! :smile:

If you have any more questions about TRR or joining, feel free to post a topic about it in the Guest Forum.

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