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Skill Database Updated

  • Our Elder Scrolls Online skill database has been updated with a new look and the most up-to-date information available!

After an admittedly unfortunate amount of time, Elder Souls members Areodon and Musclemagic finally got through to this lazy and useless misunderstood administrator and championed an all-or-nothing update to the skills database. Thanks to them, I'm pleased to (finally) announce that our skills database has been updated with the most current skill information known to the TESO community!

]View Skill Database

Updated Skill Trees

Which is, you know... Every tree.

  • Racial
  • Class
  • Armor
  • Weapon
  • Guild
  • Alliance War
  • World

Almost every individual skill had their numerical values vastly adjusted, and some even changed effects, so it's likely necessary to recheck the practicality of your builds. In less devastating news, a large amount of information on morphs was added to many of the skills - some of them look pretty great!

Interface Changes

These updates have been around for a few weeks, but I'm sure the majority of our visitors haven't been on the page recently to notice. If you've missed it, here's a quick recap!

  • Sections now default as collapsed, for easier and quicker navigation between trees. Credit for this suggestion is awarded to Musclemagic.
  • Expand / Collapse is explicitly stated, so the non-techies among us better understand the functionality.
  • The buttons at the top no longer link to specific sections. Instead, they toggle the collapse / expand animation. Test audiences indicate that everyone but me hates this.
  • The switch between +/- no longer causes the text to shift. This unnoticeable update noticeably increases overall sex appeal.

I'm also considering adding color-coded cells (or skill name text color) to differentiate between open and closed descriptions (this would be in addition to the +/-). I haven't managed to get this to work without an abhorrent rainbow of conflicting colors, but yeah. Additional suggestions welcome.

Miscellaneous Notes

For those things that just don't fit elsewhere.

  • Disclaimer added to the top of the page that subtlety states "PLEASE STOP SENDING ME EMAILS ABOUT HOW EVERYTHING IS WRONG BECAUSE THE GAME COMES OUT IN APRIL!1one"

Seriously, guys, this is not supposed to be an official locked-in resource. These values WILL change up to and after release. Corrections are very welcome and appreciated, however.

He hasn't been around here in ages, but it took a lot of effort to put together all of that data. Thank him, not me!

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In an interview with Matt Firror I'm pretty certain he said the only thing you'll be able to change is what morphs you choose, because eventually you could achieve everything else anyway without respeccing being necessary.


As far as HP/MP/St? I'm not sure.

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Hmm, I hadn't considered being able to unlock everything, but I'm not sure how it would work. Right now as far as I know, actives, passives and morphs are all unlocked with skill points. So fair enough you have all morphed actives, since you can only have 5+1 slotted at one time, but what about passives? Most seem to have 2 ranks, you'd need a lot of skill points to be able to buy every active+morph and max every passive. Not to mention it would be kinda weird running around with every possible passive active. Sure some are only in effect with the right weapon or armor, but being able to have almost everything at once seems unlikely to me.

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Hmm, I hadn't considered being able to unlock everything, but I'm not sure how it would work. Right now as far as I know, actives, passives and morphs are all unlocked with skill points. So fair enough you have all morphed actives, since you can only have 5+1 slotted at one time, but what about passives? Most seem to have 2 ranks, you'd need a lot of skill points to be able to buy every active+morph and max every passive. Not to mention it would be kinda weird running around with every possible passive active. Sure some are only in effect with the right weapon or armor, but being able to have almost everything at once seems unlikely to me.

If i recall correctly u will have for completing your alliance quest leveling and sky shards around 90 skyshards. For other alliances for sure u will have for each at least 40. So in total u will have at least 170 skill points. 

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I have old data. 




Ultimate: 12

Active: 1, 4, 20, 30, 42 

Passive: 8, 14, 22, 39

Etc. Not sure if it's still accurate so I haven't bothered including it.



I, too, think Required Rank to unlock Skill is very helpful information.

It seemed to me that

[*]Weapon Passives were: 5, 10, 17, 30, 41

[*]Class Passives were: 8, 14, 22, 39

[*]Racial Passives were: (1)*, 5, 10, 25

* 1st racial passive is already unlocked when game starts.

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Thanks Areodon for answering my question.


Next question: does anyone know if applications of the same ability by different players stack? For example, if two players with sword and board use Puncture, or if two players with destruction staffs use Weakness to Elements? 

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