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ESO Imperial Edition - New Playable Race

  • An accidental Amazon image has revealed a potential special edition of The Elder Scrolls Online. The edition includes physical items, a new playable race, and exclusive in-game unlocks.

A promotional image that was accidentally published to an Amazon product page (now removed) has led to speculation that The Elder Scrolls Online will launch with a special edition dubbed the "Imperial Edition."


The image boasts the following perks.

Physical Items

  • Collector's Edition Box
  • Steel Packaging
  • 12" Molag Bal Statue
  • Map of Tamriel
  • 224-page "Emperor's Guide to Tamriel" Book

Digital Content

  • Playable Imperial Race (any alliance)
  • White Imperial Horse
  • Mudcrab Vanity Pet
  • Rings of Mara

Although many expected some form of a "Collector's Edition" to be included at launch, the alleged bonuses in the Imperial Edition - especially the addition of the Imperial race - come as a complete shock. With ZeniMax justifying their $15 monthly subscription model as a way to distribute expansions and additional content without additional costs, it will be interesting to see how this edition - if legitimate - is received by the community.


It's now official. There are also additional perks.

  • Unique Imperial Bonuses
  • Unique Crafting Styles
  • Unique Gear

Those who have purchased the the game via the official site are also reporting receiving the following email regarding an "Explorer's Pack."

Thank you for purchasing The Elder Scrolls® Online Digital Imperial Edition. In addition to the Digital Imperial Edition, you’re now registered for The Explorer’s Pack, which includes the following digital rewards:

  • The ability to play as any race in any alliance
  • The Scuttler vanity pet
  • Exclusive treasure maps
  • Early game access

You’ll receive these digital rewards when you first log-in to The Elder Scrolls® Online game at official launch. We’ll also contact you at your account’s registered email address with information about early game access as we get closer to game release in April 2014.

This has been officially announced as a pre-order bonus available with either edition.

Uh... Yeah. This is a completely different game than what ZeniMax has been selling up to this point.

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The Imperial version costs $20 extra, and not only allows you to play Imperial but also gives you the horse and imperial crafting and iirc an extra two days of head start before the game goes live. I don't really see why that's a bad thing - every game has collector editions that give in-game goodies, and those are pretty decent goodies. A lot of people had been interested in playing Imperial, well here's your chance. And if you don't want it, don't buy it.


The regular $59 pre-order will still let you play any race in any alliance, so unless you really wanted to play Imperial, its not something you HAVE to buy.


And as far as the 'head start', well there will be so many pre-orders that the real start date will be 3-5 days before it goes live officially. Personally I might just wait so its not so crowded in the starter areas. But then, its nice to reserve the name you want, and the 5 day head start will probably help a lot with that if you want a popular name...

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all you people are doing is bitching lol if you dont like it dont fuckin buy it. WoW makes you pay to play and pay for expansions. WoW basically makes you pay 20-30$ every expansion for some new quest, a higher level cap, and maybe a new race or class. if you invite a friend to WoW or SWTOR you get EXP boosts whenever you play with them. its all the same. stop complaining and dont buy it of you dont like it. all you people do is whine whine whine. you didnt work for years to create the game you dont have any right to say what kind of choices they make. your the consumer either you buy it or you dont. who gives a crap about EXP boosts or an extra race. they explicitly stated every race and class will be created to be equal. they what? decided to make just one of them OP. doubt it. you all nned to grow up and understand that they make the game for us to play and have fun wether it be in a group of our friends or alone. IT. IS. A. GAME. just for fun. to explore tamriel back in the day and fight badasses like Molag Bal. is all this gonna seriously make the game suck when you buy it and play it? no. is it gonna make you super upset that some guy made a conscious choice to blow extra money to play a race he loves in a game he loves even tho you didnt make the same choice. hope not. grow up. buy it or dont. and enjoy the choices you've made. =)

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all you people are doing is bitching lol if you dont like it dont fuckin buy it. WoW makes you pay to play and pay for expansions. WoW basically makes you pay 20-30$ every expansion for some new quest, a higher level cap, and maybe a new race or class. if you invite a friend to WoW or SWTOR you get EXP boosts whenever you play with them. its all the same. stop complaining and dont buy it of you dont like it. all you people do is whine whine whine. you didnt work for years to create the game you dont have any right to say what kind of choices they make. your the consumer either you buy it or you dont. who gives a crap about EXP boosts or an extra race. they explicitly stated every race and class will be created to be equal. they what? decided to make just one of them OP. doubt it. you all nned to grow up and understand that they make the game for us to play and have fun wether it be in a group of our friends or alone. IT. IS. A. GAME. just for fun. to explore tamriel back in the day and fight badasses like Molag Bal. is all this gonna seriously make the game suck when you buy it and play it? no. is it gonna make you super upset that some guy made a conscious choice to blow extra money to play a race he loves in a game he loves even tho you didnt make the same choice. hope not. grow up. buy it or dont. and enjoy the choices you've made. =)


You sound like a giant douche....


or maybe a turd sandwich...


the jury is stil out on that one.

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I whont buy this game. After they get mthe game full of microtransactions BEFORE RELEASE?!? eaven if they change i whont buy the game. i cant trust them. if i gotta buy and pay a free i dont whant anything locked away. that makes the game experience really bad. like a free to play game. the probel is that this is not a free to play. and i can never trust a company that does shit like this... Hope they are happy whith the loss of many fans and customers just for getting a extra 20$ but instad are losing all the players that would buy the game and pay everymonth. and those players that would play fore more than a year. and just one year from me makes you now go back over 200$. you are losing allot of money this way.

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Okay seriously everyone needs to cool the fuck down. Yes, it is P2P and we will have 100% access to the game. The imperial isn't going to give any advantages that are unfair but they have to give us something for the CE. We will get full access to content but if people want to pay extra money for the CE to get a cool looking race, let them and stop bitching

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This changes things as far as choices... Will be interesting to see how to identify different factions etc for PVP purposes.


Can't wait going to be fun :). As stated in just about every post above, if you don't like it you don't have to buy it. Simple enough.

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This is how I see it . They have plenty of human races the imperials are usually your stand alone human which branches out without magical properties. Yes them bringing out the fact that everyone who pre orders gets all races there is basically . unlimited choices, defeats the purpose of creating set races for factions but its for those lore fans once again.(factions) . And even then if you like the same races in the same factions you have no variety to link your own players and branch out and see all of tammriel, so I quite enjoyed this idea so your friends can create any character to your faction rather then choosing a race they wont enjoy , or you to them depending on pre order .we could all use the one character but they're offering 10 for pre ordering, not being confined to one leveling set area. Paying a subscription gives a better idea to interest on paper and business , as its not going to the retailer but to the actual maintenence of the servers and updates, nothing is free but you all want it to be . For this game to expand. They're giving you as much free will as possible apart from xbox live . Play a month on month off paying at the beginning of the month if you cant afford it don't buy it , for an elder scrolls to be acted on this quick given the scale of the project and being linked to multiple platforms. There will be running costs. On both ends but if this skill tree is as fun as it sounds , you're looking at countless adjustable properties of the game such as housings that can get added later, weapons armour sets, guild quests, can then lead to another expansion . I myself like the idea of a keep per guild that's registered each month if not it gets sold at the end of the month, costs must be across all say , guild leaders which takes a smaller amount from each member giving them access but not full access since they obviously wont pay for the bigger alotments . Cheeers if you listened ha :)

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Wow rly? whining and crying all day long "i don't want Sub game, Omg this Digital Editions"...I don't see any P2W options? It's MMO which is a bit diffrent, tho PPL don't see that. I fell we gonna have trouble with people that will not enjoy the game like they should but they will rush with the game. It's the game in which you must enjoy do quests like you want and get immersed into the world.

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Imperial Racial Passives:


Increases Max Stamina by 4%.


Melee attacks have a 10% chance to restore 2 Health.


Increases experience gain with the One-Handed and Shield Skill Line by 15%.


Increases Max Health by 4%.
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